Seeking Purchase or Lease of 2 acres in Oregon, preferably in Southern Oregon.


Land Seeker Description

I am a beginner farmer looking for a bit of land to start an herb and flower garden for my tea business. My business partner and I are currently in the works of launching our online store and will be outsourcing our herbal blends through “private label.” The 2 to 4 year goal is to create our teas and blends from herbs that  we personally farm and harvest. I am interested in land that has been farmed using organic and regenerative methods and has access to well water. I am also looking for a structure on site (electricity included) that can be used/converted as a drying room and packing station. Willing to work with a greenhouse if the land cannot be farmed.

What features of the property are essential?

On-site sewer and electricity. I prefer a private-well on site but am willing to work with property that has water rights. A barn or structure that can be used as a drying room and packing station is essential as well. Herbs and flowers I want to grow prefer a hardiness zone between 7 and 9 as well as loamy and porous soil, and need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. I am also willing to do operations in a greenhouse.

Describe your farming experience

No certification or educational background, but I have been farming as a work-trade for the last 2 years. Farming practices I have learned focus around small-scale organic and regenerative farming as well as permaculture principles.

Are you currently farming?


What are your short term goals for the land

Short term goals would be to produce herbs to create herbal blends for our tea business within the next 2 years. I also need to have the ability to close down operations in the winter (cold) season so that I can be in Hawaii at least 3 months out of the year.

What are your long term goals

I cannot foresee at this time if I would need the land more than 3 years. There is a possibility I will be fully running my operations in Hawaii in the next 4 years.

Describe your housing needs

Would prefer housing on property. I am okay with it being a temporary structure (RV/Camper, tiny home)

What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?

Desire to be involved in neighboring work co-operatives as well as host or facilitate workshops on the land that are inclusive to all cultures and backgrounds.

Additional Land Seeker Details

Regions interested in farming:
Coastal, 5, South Willamette Valley, North Willamette Valley, Portland Area, Southern

Acreage desired:
1 - 5 acres

Seeking land access by:
March 31, 2024

Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:
Berries, Flowers, Herbs, Mushrooms

Interested in these business arrangements:
Lease with option to purchase, Lease for cash, Lease for trade, Partnership

Interested in these growing practices:
Certified Organic, Biodynamic

Date when this profile was last modified or created:
October 4, 2023

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