I currently run a small business with my husband with a focus on education and utilizing foraged materials and plant waste from the community garden I work and volunteer at to make incense, bath salts and herbal blends. I am looking for a space that helps support this vision. We both are incredibly hard workers who want to continue to learn and grow in our craft and our practice.
I work and volunteer at a community garden where I have been learning from a friend who is a permaculturist on how to farm organically with minimal water. We have an open garden policy for the community for anyone in need. There is always more than enough for our families and others. I have a friend willing to mentor in raising meat rabbits and another with extra apiary equipment he is willing to donate and teach with.
I currently work as a rural school nurse consultant and am connected with the many small and diverse communities in the Willamette Valley. I have a background working with kids in the hospital and educational settings. I want to connect the incoming and current generations on sustainable practice and offer an environment that supports native wildlife. We both have the drive and willingness as well as connections to those in the community who could help us succeed.
We lack access to land and the ability to save as most of our money goes to rent and the small business we currently run. We are looking for a space we can call home and help bring our vision to life. Thank you for your consideration!
Housing, Electricity, water access, irrigation
I grew up with subsistence gardening at home and learned to help maintain our vegetable and fruit garden. As immigrants, growing our food was about accessibility to food essential in our cooking.
Currently, I work and volunteer at the local community garden where we offer free access to anyone who utilize the park. We also work on increasing yield through pruning and organic mulch we make from garden waste. We receive plants as donations from the community or grow them ourselves from seed. I also aid in teaching plant ID and create illustrated signage for the plants in the park.
As we work with seeds and starts donated from the community, I have learned to grow a lot of different varieties of food staples like tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, onions, potatoes and strawberries. I have learned alongside the tutelage of my friend with a degree in permaculture to work a small corner of a community park to offer food to the nearby residents. The garden is not locked and when we do large harvests, we have more than enough for our own families and free provisions we hand out to anyone in the park.
I use plant waste from pruning vegetables at the community garden to make incense and bath salts with my husband. We currently run a small business with our brand utilizing these unique scents like tomato vine and zucchini leaf. We would bring this practice into our farm where we would grow herbs and vegetables for sale, for our community and use the garden waste in our small business.
I want to grow a flower, herb and small vegetable garden farm that allows us to continue what we do at a larger scale. It is difficult for us to continue to grow when living in an apartment and having to travel to our community garden space. The community garden is mainly ran by myself and two friends. I plan to work under the advisement of my friend who founded the community garden and practices permaculture with organic gardening and minimal watering practices.
I currently work as a rural school nurse consultant for the complex and often poor school districts of Oregon. I would like to be able to offer a place where students can learn to grow plants in a small area of land for the benefit of their health and to learn ways to process plant material into incense, bulk herb apothecary sales, hydrosols, bath salts and perfumes.
It is also a part of my plans to expand with rabbits and chickens for meat and eggs. It is important to me that education also includes explaining where our meat comes from and how to raise them sustainably. I plan to work under the tutelage of a friend who is a rabbit farmer and another who keeps chickens. Part of the education would include ways to utilize animal waste like bones, skins and feathers for sale for collectors, taxidermy and artists to allow rural students to thrive in a small business with parts often thrown away.
It is in our plan to rewild a part of the acreage for educational use and nature enthusiasts. We also plan to utilize a portion of this wild area as a wedding venue.
I currently live in eastern Salem in an apartment but would love to live in a house on the land that I own and work on with my husband. We would ideally like a place that allows us to have a storefront and a workspace.
It has been the dream of myself and my husband to own an organic and sustainable farm that we can use for education and accessibility. We currently make our own incense and bath salts with recipes based off of ancient civilizations like kyphi from Ancient Egypt. I am also a science illustrator and nurse educator who focuses on utilizing real nature to make science education approachable and inspiring. My husband is a mental health worker who worked in crisis counseling with a major in history and women and gender studies.
The focus of our education would be on traditional, historic and medicinal uses of plants and re-educate the use of sustainable wild varieties of vegetables. We want to make a place of healing mentally and physically with a focus on herb and medicinal plant growth for education, sale in bulk to the public and use in our apothecary for processed goods for sale.
I am currently working as a rural school nurse consultant for the diverse small communities throughout the Willamette Valley. I oversee the health of communities that are often impoverished and want to be able to give the students alternative ideas for small businesses and farming practices with minimal overhead.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.