Seeking 2-5 Acres of Land to Rent, or Rent to Own, to further expand our business model.


Land Seeker Description

We are a group of women who have banded together to create our own agricultural visionary experience. We are in the process of producing meats, and vegetables for sale at local farmers markets. We have a long term plan to make this a fully functioning teaching, CSA, and agritourism business. Currently in the beginning stages, and needing space to branch out to larger animals such as goats, and animals that need more space such as bees and ducks. Currently we are raising meat rabbits, chickens, and quail. Have a small garden, and produce several plant starts, “wild caught” seeds, home made jams and jellies and more. The LLC is almost completely registered. Just a few more steps to complete.
We have a goal of teaching ethical, sustainable, and heritage style living classes to the public. Along with supplying several kinds of market items and experiences. The idea is to help the communities in general be able to fend for themselves competently, correctly, and with a focus on the preservation of the land and local wild life.
We are open to questions galore. And look forward to working with like minded individuals.

What features of the property are essential?

a barn or structure that would protect goats, or the ability to build one is our biggest priority at the moment. Space near some wild flowers, or bee friendly crop, for a few bee hives would be wonderful. The ability to have more garden space.

Describe your farming experience

One of our members grew up on a cattle ranch. She is going back to her roots. All members have been in 4H, do backyard homesteading, or grew up around it.

Are you currently farming?


What are your short term goals for the land

Short term is to get our stock of animals, and gardening area, to a size that we can be self-sustaining as a business without having to rely on outside sources.

What are your long term goals

Long term goal is to own somewhere between 1-10 acres to more fully develop our business model with classes, animals, and living arrangements for all of our members.

Describe your housing needs

It would be preferable to at least have a sleeping quarters for one of our members to watch over animals at night. This could be on a rotating basis between members, or a set member living in the space. We do not currently have an RV or tiny home, so something that is already on the property would be helpful. Housing needs are NOT a requirement if the property is accessible from where one of our members currently live.

What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?

We are already a very diverse set of women. We hope to encourage diversity in all it's forms with whomever we work with. The goal is to educate, and enthuse, everyone who wants to experience the lifestyle.

Additional Land Seeker Details

Regions interested in farming:
Central, Coastal, 5, South Willamette Valley, North Willamette Valley, Portland Area

Acreage desired:
1 - 5 acres

Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:
Berries, Fiber Animals, Flowers, Goats, Herbs, Hogs, Poultry, Rabbits, Vegetables

Interested in these business arrangements:
Sale of Land, Lease-to-own, Lease with option to purchase, Lease for cash, Lease for trade, Partnership

Interested in these growing practices:
Organic, Not Certified, Conventional

Date when this profile was last modified or created:
January 6, 2025

To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.