My wife and I have been farming together for the last 24 years, primarily in the Willamette Valley and Northeast Oregon. We have recently move to Jackson County and are looking to expand our operation with a seed cleaning facility and direct marketing of some of the crops we grow. We are looking for dry or irrigated land to farm primarily in Southern or Western OR. We are open to other ideas and locations. We have experience with numerous crops but in the current challenging farming economy, we are growing winter wheat, annual rye grass, and buckwheat.
Water rights are preferable, but not essential depending on the setup.
My wife and I began farming the year after we got married in 1999. We have been a diversified mostly irrigated farm in the Willamette Valley and Umatilla Counties of Oregon. We have grown various varieties of Grass Seed, Corn, Edible Beans, Alfalfa, Grass Hay, Peas, Canola, Radish, and Buckwheat. We have a lot of experience with various irrigation systems.
Work with our children and their partners to expand and diversify our family farm, and expand into direct marketing or value added opportunities.
Own our own diversified value added family farm in more than one growing region in Oregon.
We value the land and try to do our best to put in more by way of nutrients and care than we take out. We have worked with employed people from all walks of life, from day laborers to professional consultants.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.