Land to Lease Jefferson County (Culver)
Land Seeker Description
Have a 155 Acres in Culver with a pivot, looking for additional land with Irrigation to be suitable for Hay with water rights. prefer 25 to 100 acres..
What features of the property are essential?
Water Wrights with pumps and irrigation in place
Describe your farming experience
We have degree in Agriculture and three years' experience.
Are you currently farming?
What are your short term goals for the land
Grow Hay
What are your long term goals
Build larger farming operation in Madras and Culver area.
Describe your housing needs
No Housing needed
What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?
We agree to welcome all persons and backgrounds into this community and be good stewards of the land and environment.
Additional Land Seeker Details
Regions interested in farming:
Acreage desired:
21+ acres
Seeking land access by:
April 27, 2024
Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:
Bees, Cattle, Hay, Pasture, Sheep
Interested in these business arrangements:
Lease for cash
Interested in these growing practices:
Date when this profile was last modified or created:
April 27, 2024