Greetings! I guess to start off.. We want to help make a difference that extends beyond anything we can conceive in writing. My significant other and myself are what we define as eco-warriors. We want to demonstrate that in our everyday lives and we believe that this is a great start to developing something foundational and great for future generations to be inspired by. We are looking to lease a sizable acreage of land to begin our Vermicomposting farm business, or to partner with someone who wants to support this vision that is in development. Our vision for this business is based in compost processing and food waste reduction via Vermicomposting, and red wriggler processing.
water rights, sewer, well, house, electricity.
Will discuss. It's a pretty extensive background and history that delves into many different subjects.
Short term goals. 6 months to 1 year develop farming facility/space for full compost processing via Vermicomposting methods.
Long term goals. Build product stock (.i.e. Red wrigglers, soils, and other related value added products). Develop waste processing facility and functions to assist local communities with food waste reduction.
Will Discuss
Provide opportunities. Treat others with respect. Learn with others, and grow with one another. Healing the land takes all of us from many diverse backgrounds. Any skills that I don't have, or lack therein.. I hope to learn from another.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.