Lease, trade and/or partnership on 80 acres in Linn County


80 acre regenerative, grazing-based cow microdairy is rehabbing land and farm. Seeking graziers of other species, especially hogs, laying hens and goats, to complement our land improvement goals. Possible housing options, but a person with a tiny house or other mobile/semi-permanent shelter is ideal. Short to mid-term – one season or multiple seasons – situations preferable. We are both open to ideas and have ideas about how other grazing-based enterprises would be compatible with our current farm plans. Folks with realistic, enactable plans for hogs, laying hens or goats would be a good match for our operation.

Owner’s Short Term Vision for the Property

Partner with compatible livestock herdsperson/people to continue land improvements.

Owner’s Long Term Vision for the Property

Grazing-based cow microdairy with herd increasingly self-supported on land and continual pasture and land improvements through multispecies grazing.

Current Use

Cow microdairy with about 40 head including youngstock; lots of pasture renovation projects, tree plantings, silvopasture and other land improvement projects; some nonfarming landmates are tradespeople and artists.

Available Water / Irrigation

Water available for livestock

Soil Type / Quality

Mixed pasture & woodland on a spectrum of fertility and regeneration

Buildings and Structures Available for Farm Use


Farm Equipment Available for Use, Sale or Lease

Fencing, building materials, tools, etc.

Any Restrictions That Could Limit Agricultural Production


What are you doing as a landholder to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your land and in your community?

We are lifelong learners, always striving to be more openminded and educated to promote wellness in our animals, land, natural resources, community, selves and beyond.

Locations of land listings on map are not necessarily exact. Many are located on the nearest town or city.
County: Linn

Farm Basics

Total Acreage: 81

Acreage Available to Landseeker: Negotiable

Date Property is Available: March 1, 2025

Possible Business Arrangements: Lease for cash, Lease for trade, Partnership, Other

Lease Rate / Price: Negotiable

Date when this listing was created: February 3, 2025

Farming Practices

Current Farming Practices: Organic, Not Certified, Dry Farming, Conventional

Farming Practices Allowed: Organic, Not Certified, Biodynamic, Dry Farming, Other

Agriculture Types Suitable: Goats, Hogs, Pasture, Sheep

Farm Details

Housing Available? Yes

Water Available? Yes

Property Fenced? Yes

Land Holder Interested in Mentoring Land Seeker? Yes

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