This year, we have an opening for our CSA Manager position! This manager is part of our farm crew, and is responsible for making sure the CSA harvest goes smoothly throughout the season. The full position responsibilities are as follows:
- Know what crops are in the field and their placement, and organize the weekly harvest.
- Coordinate excess crop amounts with the Wholesale manager two to three weeks in advance.
- Create boxes for the CSA (looking three weeks ahead).
- Run and train the harvest crew (along with the Wholesale/Market manager), and make sure the crew is working safely and efficiently.
- Keep up-to-date records on the harvest, including harvest times.
- Manage the processing of the harvest, making sure it is done appropriately and efficiently.
- Keep track of processing and harvest supplies.
- Organize coolers and make sure safety guidelines are being followed.
- Work with the boxing coordinator and CSA Coordinator each week to plan the CSA.
- Oversee the work of the farm crew, as well as clean-up at the end of the day.