Hi I am a landseeker looking for land to grow commercial Hemp, food crops and flowers with my small family. I am looking for irrigated land that has room to grow and build on. While lease to sell or homeowner carry with large down is preferable I am open to the idea of a yearly lease if it is a right fit. Thanks!
water rights, 5+ acres. Access to blm a big plus.
10 years experience. Experience with building, mechanics, welding, irrigation and native plants.
Find land with irrigation to grow Hemp, flowers and food crops commercially.
Build a business and a home on land that is irrigated with fire prevention as a focal point.
looking for land to buy with ability to build
As a parent of a young child teaching respect and acceptance of everyone is a major goal of mine to be taught.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.