Hello, my name is Ian Maxwell, and I am passionate about revitalizing the earth through sustainable, regenerative agriculture. I am based in Milwaukie, Oregon, and am on a mission to create a thriving, better-than-organic permaculture farm that promotes ecological health, community involvement, and high-quality produce.
With a background in permaculture principles and hands-on gardening experience, I am dedicated to building a farm that utilizes Terra Preta-inspired soil techniques and minimal-till practices to enhance soil fertility and biodiversity. My vision is to cultivate a diverse array of crops, including heirloom vegetables, exotic herbs, and Southeast Asian plants, catering to the growing demand for unique and culturally significant produce in the Pacific Northwest.
I am currently seeking a piece of land ranging from 2 to 10 acres to establish Maxwell Family Farms LLC. My goal is to implement a holistic farming approach that integrates soil health, water conservation, and renewable energy sources to create a self-sufficient and resilient farm ecosystem.
I am eager to connect with landowners who share my passion for sustainable agriculture and are interested in supporting the growth of a new generation of farmers committed to ecological stewardship and community well-being. Thank you for considering me as a potential steward for your land. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can work together to nurture the land and provide nutritious, locally-grown food to our community.
On-site private well or water rights, barn or building and suitable area to build raised beds, greenhouse and caterpillar tunnels.
Book studies, volunteering at local CSA farms.
Year 0: Develop business plan, crop rotation plan for 40 CSA shares plus market stock. Find property. Complete property vector analysis to plan farm design. Design the farm in an ergonomic design that promotes an easy workflow.
Year 1: Prep beds, caterpillar tunnels and greenhouse. Develop a 40 share CSA. Learn and adjust crop plan. Build farmers market presence. Set up direct selling channels and social platforms.
Year 2-3: Grow CSA to 100 shares. Continue to learn and adjust crop plan. Integrate poultry into farm plan. Hire help or start apprenticeship program. Build relationships in CSA, Organic and Market garden community. Build community relationships. Continue to develop sales channels. Build a restaurant relationship.
Year 4-5: Build to 200 share CSA. Partnerships with NRCS, Rogue Farm Corps and similar to help train other farmers and develop a network to learn, train, share and trade resources.
Continual improvement in everything we do.
My long term plans for the farm include developing a secure 200 member CSA with multiple additional sales channels like restaurants, farm stand and markets. We have a revenue target of $150,000 per acre. We plan to delve into value added products like ferments, dried goods, powdered microgreens and similar. We want to develop an incredible website that makes access to our products simple, convenient and transparent. I want our practices to be publicized with nothing to hide. I want to develop a replicable strategy that can be taught to other farmers. I want to be involved in farmer training initiatives and create a network of farmers in our community who share insights, seek solutions and develop strategies together. My farm should be able to provide most of our food on our table, a livable income, the ability to save for retirement and occasional travel. Our goals to promote biodiversity and soil health include minimal tillage and no use of chemicals. In the beginning we will need to purchase biological inputs but as the farm develops we plan to produce our inputs internally with animal manure, fertilizer teas, compost, green manure, cover crops, crop rotations and inspired techniques from closed loop systems.
I am looking for property with a dwelling for my growing family of 3.
Safety and Equal Opportunity at Maxwell Family Farms LLC
Safety Commitment:
At Maxwell Family Farms LLC, safety is our top priority. Our actions are guided by well-developed procedures and comprehensive training programs to ensure a safe working environment. We conduct regular audits to maintain the highest safety standards for our equipment and procedures.
Equal Opportunity and Vision for Local Farming:
I am committed to providing equal opportunities for anyone interested in farming. Historically, small-scale family farming was the backbone of American industry and production, offering a livable wage for many. However, industrial agriculture has since dominated food production, with less than 1% of the population now involved in agriculture.
I share a vision with a growing community of small family farmers who advocate for local food production over reliance on a globalized food system. This system has contributed to environmental degradation through chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, large-scale tillage, and the resulting desertification of valuable farmland.
In an era where Americans have unprecedented access to information, many are choosing to take control of their health and food sources by supporting localized, small-scale food production. This trend is evident in the increasing popularity of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), farmers markets, direct delivery produce programs, and specialty organic grocery stores like Trader Joe's and New Seasons.
Small family farmers today have the unique opportunity to regenerate, protect, and revitalize our land, offering a healthier alternative to the failing industrial food and health system. This opportunity should be accessible to individuals from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and beliefs. Embracing diverse perspectives in farming is crucial, and at Maxwell Family Farms, we are dedicated to surrounding ourselves with hard-working individuals who share our vision and farming goals.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.