I am a highly ambitious, outgoing, organized,collaborative, fun and kind next generation farmer committed to being the positive change in the Agriculture world generating new and exciting farming practices,creating the standard for sustainable thriving environments and community for future generations.
Attended UH Hilo specialized in Agroecology. While going to school I was able to manage fruit and nut orchards getting my first real commercial experience on over 60 acres while running a small online store and distribution to local restaurants.I really enjoy tinkering with and finding new inventive ways in farming and creating other avenues of income by way of marketing and selling interesting biproducts. Zero waste,clean energy independence contributing to the local economy is the end goal.
I am a nerd for all things in the micro-world and keeping up-to-date on plant pathology/IPM biological research papers and the chemistry involved in it.Areas that interest me I would like to be mentored on growing and scaling vegetable,berry and ornamentals. As well animal husbandry,aquaponics,animal tractors and soldier fly farming.
Currently I am enrolled in a couple of continued educational courses its been so much fun and inspiring. Im taking Dr. Elain Inghams soil food web consulting school. I am taking a plant cell technology course on synthetic seeding and scaling multiplication tissue culture.SO COOL! As well as a PNW specific permaculture system design course under Andrew Millison at OSU online. I believe that sustainable profitability is the future market working with nature instead of against it. I am looking for like minded folks who have the same farming and customer care values,ambition,and care about the local community.
Water source for crops.on-site restroom,Structure for dry space,electricity,uncontaminated soil from heavy industry
Jadam and Korean natural farming practices
Greenhouse design and management
Nursery IPM manager
Permaculture tropical fruit farm
Closed Loop Farming
Living Soil Food Web
Limited aquaponics and Beekeeping
Nut and fruit orchard management
Home Gardener
Water conservation and management
Implement my short term (3yr) gross 100k farm business plan to get started and then implement longer term projects like a diverse food production Permaculture system.Create social media presence to connect with and build a community of like minded folks and faithful customers.
Closed loop,self sustaining farm with community education,tours,u-pick and workshops,a CSA program and or table-to-farm, farmers markets,expand online business with interesting freeze dried products etc. job creation and thriving beautiful property the community will be proud of.
I love the homesteading lifestyle living on or near the farm. I am accustomed to using my travel trailer to work on farm projects in the past and if I am unable to find housing nearby the farm location I would need access to power and a restroom.
Live and let live.Empowering others,respect,kindness,,communication and safe inclusive farming practices are paramount for a thriving business and retaining talent.Empathy and compassion for all walks of life is really important to me as we learn and grow and build our community together with love,this is the way.
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