Hello! Very seasoned gardener/farmer here with solid knowledge and background in cultivation of marketable produce, landscape plant materials and management.
I am seeking an affordable lease on a small piece of accessible land for a small mixed use farmers market and specialty products for nurseries (for example specialty roses for online sales). I intend to break ground early 2025. Looking for 2 to 5 acres and will consider other options depending on the fit. Thank you.
Full sunshine, no overgrowth or brambles needing clearing out, road access onto property and water or sufficient rain catchment or alternative. Looking at February 2025 start--let's talk!
35 years of knowledge in gardening, including making soils. I was raised on a market farm near Millersburg. I have raised huge gardens to sustain my family and I have worked in the nursery business and had a career in management and admin, so I am mature and seeking to set up a small specialty rose (online) biz (yes, it is a whole "thang") and a small farmer's market plot (my son will assist along with others). Possibly interested in a farm stand set up.
Short term plans are to 1. prep soil and supplement for seasonal farmers market plot and set up receiving roses in February and March to turn around and sell to online clients and some local nurseries. 2. establish clientele and marketing of plant materials.
Establish specialty rose business online. Roses are easy to grow and maintain as we turn around inventory--the land itself is not so much the issue as needing space to handle shipments of 100 roses at a time, reroute them etc. through Fed Ex, etc.
Housing on site would be great but not a deal breaker. Leasing a small farm with a co-management of the land gig would be a nice idea. I have great references. I also have a camper van to stay in during busiest times. I must be able to stay there rather than drive back to Beaverton.
Part of my business plan is to get established to the point of being able to develop a learning program for foster youth who are interested in farming, as I was. It saved my life and caused me to fall in love with gardening and nature. There are many ways to engage young people from all backgrounds who may not want to garden as much as learn marketing, or selling or taking flowers to florists or senior centers. It is my happy vision.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.