I am a long-time home/community garden grower looking to expand into flower farming. I have been growing flowers for 5 years and have outgrown my front yard and community garden plot. I grow dahlias and mixed bouquet flowers. I would love to be able to grow for farmers markets and other local sales. We live in Sherwood and I would like to stay local. I seek to prioritize soil health and use organic practices. I love being outside, and showing my kids a love of growing and nature.
the ability to water
I have been growing in our local community garden but have outgrown our lot. Also would love to be able to grow to sell bouquets locally.
Create a small flower farm and sell at farmers markets.
I would love to be able to purchase land to live on and have a small farm.
We live in Sherwood and would love to be located close by.
I treat everyone the way I hope they would treat me
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