Seeking creative solution: Land in Scotts Mills and surrounding


Land Seeker Description

Two summers ago my family moved to Oregon in search of a life more aligned to our principles; more movement, less stuff, more community, more connection, a more ethical, equitable and sustainable life.

With the post-covid housing market and the cost of living difference between the Midwest and the West, we are currently unable to purchase land on which to farm or garden or engage in animal husbandry.

I am an intelligent, well educated energetic creative problem solver in search of a way to use my multitude of hobbies, skills and passions in a partnership that benefits us both. I have many years of garden experience, a few in farming and animal husbandry, and a deep interest in acquiring new skills and knowledge.

I want to get my hands in the dirt and start participating in the local regenerative farming community, and am seeking land and landowners to work with.

What features of the property are essential?


Describe your farming experience

I have been an avid an enthusiastic gardener since I was a child, and have found a way to grow SOMETHING everywhere I have moved. I have raised meat chickens, dairy goats, meat hogs and rabbits. For a few years my partner and I were a part of a cattle, hay, horse and grain operation in Northern Minnesota.

Are you currently farming?


What are your short term goals for the land

Short-term goals are to grow food/flowers/herbs/plants to eat and to sell locally, maybe a CSA? I want to learn as I go, and expand as I learn.

What are your long term goals

Long term goals would be to create sustainable land-use. This means both, make enough profit to support the farm business, and maybe eventually support purchasing my own land (or finding a permanent patch to share), as well as use the land sustainably and regeneratively, and put back into it what we take out.

Describe your housing needs

I am currently in need of housing, with elementary aged kids part-time. I am multi-skilled and can fix u, build, or improve existing structures if that is needed.

What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?

I am an open minded and supportive ally and I continue to try to educate myself so I am better able to do the work to overturn iniquitous power structures.

Additional Land Seeker Details

Regions interested in farming:
5, North Willamette Valley, Portland Area

Acreage desired:
Less than 1 acre, 1 - 5 acres, 5 - 10 acres, 11 - 20 acres, 21+ acres

Seeking land access by:
April 30, 2024

Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:
Beans, Bees, Berries, Cattle, Fiber Animals, Flowers, Goats, Herbs, Nuts, Orchard/Fruit, Pasture, Poultry, Sheep, Vegetables, Other

Interested in these business arrangements:
Sale of Land, Lease-to-own, Lease with option to purchase, Lease for trade, Partnership, Other

Interested in these growing practices:
Certified Organic, Organic, Not Certified, Biodynamic, Dry Farming, Season Extension, Conventional

Date when this profile was last modified or created:
January 8, 2025

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