Hello! I am Kelsey. I am a Farmers Market manager who has studied nutrition, supply chains and raw food. I have a diverse background in the food system and want to start learning how to have my own farming operation to start with teas, flowers, skincare products, natural fibers and some produce. I eventually want to have my partner join me in this endeavor and he comes with a lot of physical ability related to chainsawing, tree lining, trimming, pruning and fire fighting.
I would love someone with years of experience to feel confident that we will be able to help keep their current operations going and even potentially take over the operation if there is no one in line to do so. We are both very young, reliable, trustworthy and hardworking people.
A spring fed water system is a plus. Housing that is low cost but functional and well kept.
I have been running a farmers market for the past two years and have gained lots of interest in learning more for the long-term. I have worked in a greenhouse and also studied in Michigan at the College of Natural Resources with additional education in supply chain, nutrition and cooking.
I would like to create a value added product that I can sell at the farmers market such as natural fiber, herbs, teas, flowers and additional produce.
I would like to eventually own a farm that I can expand into a larger operation such as cattle and milking cows. I am also up for goats or sheep.
I would like to have my partner join me eventually who has a background in wild land fire fighting and currently is an apprentice under the PUD for tree lining. He also has a background of working on a vineyard and has lots of chainsawing experience.
I am accepting of all people. Humans are humans no matter what.
To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.