Seeking Land for small Community Food Project – increase access to quality food for people in need


Land Seeker Description


My name is Kyle, I’m 29 years old and my dream is to build a business that supports non-profits and other groups in providing for people in need.

Years ago I lived on a farm in Michigan where I met my partner while I was working in the farm-to-table kitchen and she worked on the farm. After the season we moved to Virginia, where we built up an intensely productive vegetable garden in beds around the driveway, and I ran the kitchen of a vegetarian wine bar, purchasing from the farmers market and harvesting from the restaurant’s own garden. Later, I worked in Burlington Vermont for a non-profit coordinating their free meal program and running the free food truck.

After we moved to Oregon, I got a job doing street outreach to unhoused neighbors in East Portland. Currently I am Community Engagement Manager at a local nonprofit operating emergency shelters. I’m also leading the build-out of our own garden program this spring with assistance from local non-profits (unrelated to this project).

People, food and nature are really important to me. I know that each of them bring us the strength to help us continue to fight for whats right.

For this project, I’m only in need of a small parcel of land. 1/4 to 5 acres of space is sufficient. I’m flexible. My interest is primarily in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. However I would love to one day incorporate chicken/duck for eggs and the other benefits they provide an integrated farm.

This farm project will be oriented around the goal of protecting the earth and the many delicate balances that it supports. The edible produce from the farm will be designated to outlets that support the local human community, especially the food insecure. This project will follow no-till practices and no chemical sprays. Chop and drop, cover cropping and crop rotation. Permaculture / Biodynamic practices when appropriate.

  • Mission: To connect with the earth and be healthy, and increase others’ wellbeing
  • Vision: A small farm that supports a network of communities in need and focuses on natural methods of creating harmony
  • Values: No till, organic farming practices. Permaculture elements. Crop rotation. Building natural cycles and encouraging them. People first, starting with laborers and neighbors. Feed those who are hungry. Welcome all tolerant people.

Thank you for considering a partnership with me on this journey.

What features of the property are essential?

Healthy soil.

Describe your farming experience

While my professional farming experience is lacking, I have studied a lot of market gardeners and their techniques and learned a lot of relevant microbiology. I would welcome guidance from a knowledgeable landowner/steward. 
I did manage a diverse and very intense home garden that sealed my passion for working in the dirt.
I have a degree in food science and have spent 11 years in the wide world of food. I have worked in Michelin star restaurants in various countries and learned plant cultivation skills there too.

Are you currently farming?


What are your short term goals for the land

• Year 1 – Find a land partnership and learn the space and identify hiccups. Identify grants and other funding sources. Form LLC or other business. Farmers market and CSA/online sales, sales to friends and coworkers.
• Year 2 – Scale up production intensity, assess opportunities, try to profit (pay myself something while still working FT)
• Year 3 – Work to develop longer term relationships and contracts with non-profits and restaurants. Potentially not work another FT job
• Year 4 – Refine and reinforce
• Year 5 – Evaluate future needs

What are your long term goals

Long term, assuming business is successful, I may need a new site to realize certain dreams. Service is important to me, so offering rehabilitation programs or any program to uplift our struggling neighbors is a long term dream.

Also, a restaurant driven by what's produced on the land. I have the background to run a B&B or agro-tourism business as well, and connections that would enable me to create educational nature programs for youth.

Describe your housing needs

I am housed in East Portland and can commute. My lease ends in April and would consider housing arrangements.

What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?

I welcome everyone and hope to support BIPOC and other marginalized people through forming specific partnerships.

Additional Land Seeker Details

Regions interested in farming:
Portland Area

Acreage desired:
Less than 1 acre, 1 - 5 acres

Seeking land access by:
March 1, 2025

Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:
Beans, Bees, Berries, Flowers, Herbs, Mushrooms, Vegetables, Vineyard

Interested in these business arrangements:
Sale of Land, Lease-to-own, Lease with option to purchase, Lease for cash, Lease for trade, Partnership, Other

Interested in these growing practices:
Organic, Not Certified, Biodynamic, 7

Date when this profile was last modified or created:
January 29, 2025

To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.