Searching for Pasture / Grazing Lease for cattle in Oregon


Land Seeker Description

We are a determined, hardworking couple with extensive ranching background, seeking a lease for pasture in Oregon suitable for running yearling cattle.  We would like to find enough pasture to run 100-150 yearling heifers late spring to early fall each year.  Good water is a must. If you have a parcel you would consider leasing, please reach out (406)930-0530 or via email.  I am from Montana, thus the 406 area code, but we live in Oregon.

What features of the property are essential?

good water, pasture

Describe your farming experience

Extensive cow/calf and heifer development experience

Are you currently farming?


What are your short term goals for the land

lease for 5-10 years and then purchase a ranch

What are your long term goals

purchase a ranch in central to eastern oregon in 10 years

Describe your housing needs

housing not required

What will you do as a farmer to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your farm and in your community?

Properly maintain fences and properly care for our cattle.

Additional Land Seeker Details

Regions interested in farming:
Central, Coastal, Eastern, Gorge, 5, South Willamette Valley, North Willamette Valley, Southern, Neighboring States

Acreage desired:
21+ acres

Interested in raising the following crops / livestock:

Interested in these business arrangements:
Lease-to-own, Lease with option to purchase, Lease for cash

Interested in these growing practices:

Date when this profile was last modified or created:
October 11, 2024

To contact a land seeker, you must first create a land listing and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.