Lease to Own, or Buy In: Joint Ownership: 36 Acre Polyculture Farm


For those who are ready to commit to a rural, sustainable way of life, contributing your financial resources towards joint ownership, as well as your experience, skills, resources, and vision, using permaculture, soil food web, Holistic management and/or Restoration Agriculture principles.

Opportunity for up to two individuals/ couples/families who are interested in developing their own business and livelihood, as well as contributing to overall stewarding of the land: a 36 acre polyculture homestead and medicinal herb farm.

“The care of the earth is our most ancient, most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope.” ~Wendell Berry

18 acres in woods, and the other 18 acres has great southern exposure with pasture, fruit and nut trees, berries, medicinals, and vegetables, along with our home and outbuildings.

Those interested would need to have the means to provide your own small dwelling: build a tiny house, cob house, yurt, or other possibilities. Building skills would be a plus!

We are very much in love with this land that we tend: with nut and fruit orchards, berries, medicinal herbs (currently about 50 species, we’ve grown many more), annual and perennial vegetables, not to mention all the life that lives here, migrates through, and delights us with the myriad expressions of living well! Our love and stewardship of place extends beyond this land to the whole living community of the unique valley in which we live: South Umpqua Watershed.

Owner’s Short Term Vision for the Property

Explore the option of joint ownership with interested, qualified individuals or couples.
Within 5 years, complete permaculture/restoration agriculture plan with input from those individuals, and continue and maintain current operations of production. The hope that others invest and develop their own niche as well as contribute to stewarding the land.

Owner’s Long Term Vision for the Property

Opportunity for the following niches that would fit well with the land.
An individual or couple would need to have financial means and experience in developing one or more of the following as part of their own livelihood:
~ a small market garden
~ implementing a small scale rotational grazing plan, along with integrating our existing poultry.
~ growing medicinal herbs to move towards taking ownership of, and develop further, our small business of growing medicinal herbs for an established herb company.
~developing a small scale craft cider and mead production, managing existing and newly developing orchards which will increase as trees mature.
Note: Our current available irrigation water currently limits all of the above to a relatively small scale. Potential to increase water availability exists.
~ Those with woodworking, blacksmithing, and skill operating farm equipment would be a plus.
We are not certified organic, but use OMRI organic amendments, cover cropping, composting, and focus on revitalizing the soil. We use no toxic substances.
Opportunities also exists for a variety of other Cottage Industries, with priority for what makes sense for this land and what currently is established.
~involvement with all levels of woodworking and/or basic blacksmithing, cob building.
~ expand small culinary and medicinal fungi operation with readily available local materials
~ investigate and implement dry-land farming methods to address the challenges of climate change.
~oversee existing veg and medicinal seed bank and develop seed distribution business.
~ establish and manage top bar hybrid bee hives

We are willing to mentor, but initially our interest is finding those who have the necessary skills and financial resources for their particular niche.
Finally, we are getting old and would love to continue living here as well as transition this land to those who want to carry on and further the vision of a fecund food forest and small farm to provide a good life for all our relations into the 7th generation.

On another note, if we don't find others to join us, we will need to sell this awesome place, so that could also be of interest.

Current Use

Our focus is medicinal herb production including variety garlic, fruit and nut trees and berries, pastured poultry, sustenance farming, and restoration agriculture. We grow for a successful herb company, and for regional farmers markets.

Available Water / Irrigation

Drip irrigation with water rights to the use of our 4 acre/ft pond

Soil Type / Quality

Clay Loam
We are not certified organic, but use OMRI organic amendments, cover cropping, composting, and focus on revitalizing the soil. We use no toxic substances.

Buildings and Structures Available for Farm Use

Negotiable use of our Barn/shop,
space to put up a larger greenhouse.

Farm Equipment Available for Use, Sale or Lease

Kubota B7800 Tractor plus implements, BCS 732 Tiller- Mower, Two 3/4 ton pickups and 16' flat bed trailer. These are available for hire, or possible use.

Any Restrictions That Could Limit Agricultural Production

No restrictions other than water is limited seasonally

What are you doing as a landholder to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone on your land and in your community?

Over the years, we've welcomed people of diverse backgrounds and orientations. Resonance with individuals, along with their having skills, experience, and resources to contribute, no matter their diverse background, is essential.
For fostering a safe environment, we encourage the safety of those who either visit or live with us on this land.

Locations of land listings on map are not necessarily exact. Many are located on the nearest town or city.
County: Douglas

Farm Basics

Total Acreage: 36

Acreage Available to Landseeker: up to 10 acres for grazing animals, about an acre, possibly more for a market garden

Date Property is Available: August 23, 2022

Possible Business Arrangements: Lease-to-own, Lease with option to purchase, Lease for cash, Lease for trade, Partnership

Lease Rate / Price: negotiable

Date when this listing was created: January 31, 2025

Farming Practices

Current Farming Practices: Organic, Not Certified, Dry Farming

Farming Practices Allowed: Certified Organic, Organic, Not Certified, Biodynamic, Dry Farming, Season Extension

Agriculture Types Suitable: Bees, Berries, Cattle, Fiber Animals, Flowers, Goats, Herbs, Hogs, Mushrooms, Nuts, Orchard/Fruit, Pasture, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Vegetables

Farm Details

Housing Available? No

Water Available? Yes

Property Fenced? Yes

Land Holder Interested in Mentoring Land Seeker? No

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