1-2 acres of fallow land (was cherry orchard) available to lease for cash. water available, plenty of sunshine. it has solid set irrigation at this time. there is no fencing but it could be put in place to keep deer and other animals out. our place is located about 6 miles out of the town of Hood River.
lease out the land for agricultural purposes. you could create agri tourist/u-pick. we belong to a local farmers' cooperative and sell online that could help with your business, too.
lease for cash. need a good steward. we would like to leave for a few weeks in wintertime and ideally have the lessee caretake while we are off the property.
the portion that is for lease is currently fallow. we used to have cherry trees in the area that is for lease.
water rights through farmers' irrigation district, west hood river. irrigation water available june through end of september.
good soil and the area for lease was certified organic until we took the trees out about five years ago and has not been replanted. the acreage that we currently farm for farmer's mkt, online sales, and to stores are all certified organic since 2003.
fencing and raised beds could be built/installed. there are two large 60' long hoop houses that could be used. they need new/different coverings.
old tractor, various hand tools, mower, fence post pounder
we are a family farm of over 100 years in our community and we value integrity, fairness, efficient working, and peace. as a third-generation japanese american woman and owner/agriculturalist, i understand the value of kindness, fairness, and providing food and opportunity to the community.
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