We have four acres for lease at our residential property. The acreage is flat, grassy, and south-facing. We are 15 minutes away from the Eugene Saturday Market or the South Valley Farmers Market in Cottage Grove.
We are looking to lease the land for small-medium livestock, as well as market gardening heirloom vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, botanicals, herbs, if interested. The ideal farmer will have experience in permaculture, biodynamic, or organic farming practices.
Unfortunately, living arrangements on-site/in an RV are not an option due to county zoning restrictions.
- Install water storage tanks
- Amend land as needed for future planting
To find a farmer that uses organic practices that plans to maintain a lease for longer than 12 months.
The land is currently pasture that has been mostly untouched, other than mowing, since our purchase 5 years ago.
There is a spring-fed cistern on the property that the previous owner used for decades to water their vegetable garden, however the water has not been tested and there isn't currently any kind of pump to retrieve the water. It would be ideal to put this water to use and store it for use during dry months.
As a BIPOC landholder, I am welcoming of anyone who is willing to work and respect the land, as well as our family.
To contact a land holder, you must first fill out a land seeker profile and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.