Certified Organic since 1985 and Certified Salmon Safe since 2010, this land has hosted Persephone Farm, LLC, a diversified fresh market vegetable operation, which will close in May 2021. The land owner seeks folks interested in ecologically and socially conscious farming who need land, facilities, equipment and supplies for agricultural and/or conservation projects.
Folks interested in practicing ecologically and socially conscious agriculture to lease land, equipment, facilities and supplies while occasionally assisting the land owner with pasture and property management.
Folks interested in stewarding land in an ecologically and socially conscious manner engage in agriculture and/or conservation. Particular interest in leasing to indigenous people whose ancestors stewarded land in this area.
Persephone Farm grows a variety of vegetables for fresh market sales as well as a few minor vegetable seed crops.
There is a water right for the entire 22 acres. Field irrigation comes from the river while water for our greenhouse, pack shed and out buildings comes from two wells (one 10gpm, one 12 gpm)
class 2 clay loam, enriched by decades of aggressive cover cropping and laying hens rotational grazing. Rich in clay, holds water well.
25'x96' double poly prop house with inflation fan, insulation, bench heating and irrigation
30'x60' packing shed with old walk-in cooler
Vegetable washer
Wash tables
Sorting tables
Harvest boxes, tools and supplies
30'x60' covered, un-walled storage area for equipment
Walled first floor shop with carpentry and mechanics equipment, second floor community kitchen and office space
Kubota m6040 with front end loader
Kubota m4900
Two Allis Chalmers "G" cultivating tractors
Two hydraulic discs
Roller harrow
Chisel plow
Flail mower
Lilliston cultivators
"G" cultivation toolbars (basket weeder, tine weeder, sweep and knife bars, hilling disc bars- all set for single row or three row bed top cultivation)
Pipe trailer
Irrigation pump (15hp)
Intake pipe with fish screens
3" aluminum hand line pipe
Vegetable brush washer
Various hand tools
Harvest carts
Harvest knives
Rain gear
Harvest boxes
Three box trucks
Mobile chicken coops plus assorted fencing supplies
Solar arrays
Walk-in cooler (10'x20').
Zoned farm and forest use
Persephone Farm honors, respects, and welcomes all beings
To contact a land holder, you must first fill out a land seeker profile and have it approved by our staff. Thank you.