Overview: Food Waves is a small-scale bio-intensive operation focusing on high quality specialty greens, vegetables, and animal proteins (Chicken and Pork). All of our farming operations take place at Converging Creeks Farm in Colton, OR. Our farming practices emphasize soil health building through the input of animal & plant matter as well as conservation tillage utilizing a power harrow implement instead of a rototiller to encourage earthworms and microflora/microfauna as well as reduce compaction and the formation of a hard pan.
The non-profit aspect of our organization looks at food justice from an educational standpoint where food security comes from knowing how to grow your own food. We offer training opportunities on and off farm all the way from a small backyard raised bed up to a 5 – 10-acre homesteading/market farm.
We currently have openings for part time internship positions for beginners to intermediates. Our participants will be trained in all aspects of how to operate a small-scale production farm including seeding, use of farm machinery (2-wheel and 4-wheel tractors), soil prep, transplanting, harvesting, marketing, etc.
Responsibilities of Interns:
- Full-Time: Work 4-5 days/week (Late March/April – November) with a lead farmer supervising all aspects of the market farm .
- March = 1 Day/Wk; April = 2-3 Days/Wk; May – November = 4 Days/Wk + 3 market Saturdays/month.
- Part-Time: Stipend Position: May – October = 1-2 Days/Wk. Other options available also.
- Volunteer/College Credit: We have many flexible positions to work with your schedule!
- Learn how to apply sustainable/bio-intensive farming techniques to increase profitability by working with farmers on a daily basis completing all of the various tasks necessary to keep the farm operating. Although this will most often be with the farmers, there are times that interns will be asked to complete tasks on their own. This is part of the learning process building repetition skills and honing task muscle memory.
- Participate in formal and informal discussion-based and hands-on educational sessions.
- Promote the educational component of the farm by working with community members (i.e. host regular volunteers, educate farm visitors, etc.).
- Daily animal chores taking care of pigs, and chickens (egg layers & meat birds).
Required A successful applicant will have the following:
- Desire to learn sustainable farming techniques in order to grow your own vegetables, fruits, and herbs, as well as, educate others through community outreach.
- Ability to work well alone and with a team.
- Excellent communication, time-management, and organizational skills, as well as, being resourceful, self-motivated, and hard-working.
- Access to transportation if you are not living on the farm (arrive on time for work on farm).